View Full Version : Incremental compile

01-04-2006, 12:45 PM
Yesterday I built my installer package, set it uploading to our ftp site, and left for the day. I returned this morning to do a test install and quickly discovered that I'd forgotten to update the product version field. I did so, and now SetupBuilder is doing a full rebuild: currently recompressing the files and will eventually reupload them all. Luckily SetupBuilder is superfast at building the installer and the compile will only take about 20 minutes. Also luckily I recently switched to an internal website for testing and the gigabit connection will transfer the files in about 45 minutes.

Still, that's about an hour more than I would like, and would be at least 10 times worse if I were transferring to our external site. Ideally, SetupBuilder would recognize that only the version changed, use the old compressed files, and upload only the installer exe and the update manifest. Any plans along this line?

01-05-2006, 10:16 AM

It's on the drawing board, thank you.