View Full Version : Setup Builder Vs.

01-08-2006, 06:24 AM

i´m using InnoSetup Years ago. It´s a wonderful Freeware Setup Tool with international Language support and a good community and many free 3rd party scripting tools.

Anybody know Innosetup and SetupBuilder and can tell me if it´s better to use setupbuilder like most people here and why.

Thanks for that


01-08-2006, 06:24 AM

I tried several installers including Wise, InnoSetup, Clarions (remember that?),
and several other Free ones. Some were pretty good.

I needed something to register templates tho. That narrows the field.

I jumped on SB4 when it came out, and never looked back.
Trying to wrap my head around SB5 now. (Old dog vs new tricks)

I can't imagine that InnoSetup Community can be better than ours,
warts and all<vbg>.

Then don't forget the biggest asset of all, Friedrich Linder.

My 2 cents

Best Regards
Bo Schmitz

01-08-2006, 06:25 AM
When long file names first began to appear in Windows and you had to make a
lot of decisions about 16 bits vs. 32 bits, I had an app that used his Zip

I made the comment to Friedrich that I really could use a 16 bit app that
could readily handle long file names. In those days, that type of support
was mutually exclusive. You either went 8.3 and 16 or long and 32.

My app was running on Windows 95 machines as well as the old Windows 3.1x
machines. I was exchanging files between them via zip files.

He replied that he wasn't sure how complex it was but he would look into it.

Within 24 hours, I received an update.

Support doesn't get much better than that.

Andrew Guidroz II

01-08-2006, 06:25 AM
Friedrich Linder is like a jewel to us. Get SetupBuilder and you will see

Dan Scott

01-08-2006, 06:25 AM
I thought in this world, there is no one using other setup builder
except the Lindersoft Setupbuilder???

Because I thought programmers will only use the best.


Kelvin Chua

01-08-2006, 06:25 AM

Johan de Klerk

01-08-2006, 06:26 AM
We use InnoSetup for all our NON-Clarion installation and SB4 for all our
Clarion work.

The primary attraction for me has always been the ease of installing the
3rdparty stuff for our Clarion users (Template registration etc) - but I
have not moved to SB5 yet - which it looks like I may have to for C63.

I maintain the 5 or 6 Clarion installs we have, whilst a colleague maintains
over 30 other installs for non-Clarion users - I am struggling to get him to
change to SB5 as he would have to change so many, but I am still trying.

He maintains there are some things he does in InnoSetup that he could not so
easily achieve (if at all) in SB - but can in InnoSetup.

But I am still trying - primarily because of the unrivalled support from
Best Regards

John Verbeeten
Tracker Software Products
PDF-XChange & SDK, Image-XChange SDK,
PDF-Tools & SDK, TIFF-XChange & SDK, DocuTrack.
Support: http://www.docu-track.com/forum/index.php
Web site : http://www.docu-track.com

01-08-2006, 06:26 AM
Hi Kai
I use an older version of inno for some things and SetupBulider 5 for most
things now. I can copy and paste an Inno script and modify it in inder 2
mins. i'm still learning SB5 so the dialogs take a little longer.

inno had a few things over SB4 - you could use wildcards to select files.
SB5 has this now.

SB5 has static / dynamic scanning so it gets your dlls'automatically, binary
patch support and much more now.

If you want features, Sb5 is great. Friedrich is very responsive, too.


Dave Beggs
Print or email from DOS!

01-10-2006, 06:39 AM
No contest - get SetupBuilder. You get a brilliant product and unmatched
support and attention. It is a no brainer.

J André Labuschagné