View Full Version : setup a ODBC text file driver

01-11-2006, 09:56 AM
what do I have to do in SB5 to setup an ODBC connection with a file called label.txt that resides on the PC in c:\lables directory. On the ODBC tab I clicked the txt odbc source but don't know how to tell it which file and where. Or do you have to set that up on every machine via the ODBC DSN setup. Thanks.

01-11-2006, 10:18 AM

Please consult your ODBC documentation. SB5 provides an interface to ODBC. But you have to enter the exact ODBC parameters. There are hundreds of different ODBC drivers on the market and each and every comes with it's own specific syntax.

Do you have such a ODBC manual available?

01-11-2006, 10:25 AM
I am trying to setup a TEXT driver.... I found how to configure but don't know the exact parameter for ODBC. I don't have a manual, do you know where I can download one or is it with Windows XP? thank you.


Please consult your ODBC documentation. SB5 provides an interface to ODBC. But you have to enter the exact ODBC parameters. There are hundreds of different ODBC drivers on the market and each and every comes with it's own specific syntax.

Do you have such a ODBC manual available?

01-11-2006, 10:59 AM

Hmm, TEXT driver? Do you know the vendor of this ODBC driver? The manual does not come with Windows XP or any other OS. The developer of the driver should have such a manual available.

BTW, the following is a demo to add a Adaptive Server Anywhere 9.0 DSN:

Data Source Name: TestConn

Driver Name: Adaptive Server Anywhere 9.0


Driver=C:\Program Files\Sybase\SQL Anywhere 9\win32\dbodbc9.dll


01-11-2006, 11:15 AM
Hi Friedrich,

Microsoft makes the Text driver..... Heres what I got so far in the script

[ Modify System ]
Create Folder "c:\label"
Install ODBC Driver "Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt; *.csv)" (Always Install)
Configure ODBC Data Source "Label"

then within the Install ODBC it put ....


then in the Configure Data Source the name is LABEL but have to point label.txt to the directory in C:\LABEL.
which I put DataDirectory=C:\label in the attributes.

Have to test it out and see if it works. thanks for your help.


Hmm, TEXT driver? Do you know the vendor of this ODBC driver? The manual does not come with Windows XP or any other OS. The developer of the driver should have such a manual available.

BTW, the following is a demo to add a Adaptive Server Anywhere 9.0 DSN:

Data Source Name: TestConn

Driver Name: Adaptive Server Anywhere 9.0


Driver=C:\Program Files\Sybase\SQL Anywhere 9\win32\dbodbc9.dll


01-11-2006, 11:50 AM
Looks good!

You are welcome.

01-11-2006, 01:48 PM
Hi Friedrich,

Ok getting closer.... now I am trying an install on a new PC and this is the error I get. What does this mean?

"the setup routines for the Microsoft Text Driver ODBC driver could not be found. Please reinstall the driver.

Any suggestions? thanks again.

Looks good!

You are welcome.

01-12-2006, 03:34 AM

Because this problem is not related to the installation system (it's an Microsoft ODBC driver issue) I don’t know what it means, and I can only guess that it’s some kind dependency file (mfc42.dll???) problem.

See: http://dbforums.com/showthread.php?threadid=504872

Does this help?

01-12-2006, 09:02 AM
No help at all.... I did try to update that DLL with a newer version but I still get the same error. I will have to keep digging on the internet to see how to fix it. If you come across anything let me know. my email is clint.carbaugh@figis.com

thanks Friedrich,



Because this problem is not related to the installation system (it's an Microsoft ODBC driver issue) I don’t know what it means, and I can only guess that it’s some kind dependency file (mfc42.dll???) problem.

See: http://dbforums.com/showthread.php?threadid=504872

Does this help?

01-12-2006, 09:34 AM

There are quite a few resources available with regards to the "The setup routines for XXX cannot be found" problem.

Perhaps you did not "self-register" some of the required dependency files? Or one or more dependency files are missing?

I really think the ODBC Text Driver manual can help here.

01-12-2006, 09:39 AM
I really think it's caused by missing DLLs needed to support the ODBC driver. There are several files that need to be deployed. The User's Guide should include a complete list.

01-12-2006, 10:44 AM
Well I can reigster and install it via the ODBC administrator though under control panel, just don't work with the setup in setupbuilder. Do you know where to get the ODBC driver manual ?? Thanks.


There are quite a few resources available with regards to the "The setup routines for XXX cannot be found" problem.

Perhaps you did not "self-register" some of the required dependency files? Or one or more dependency files are missing?

I really think the ODBC Text Driver manual can help here.

01-12-2006, 01:52 PM
Friedrich, well I got it to work. didn't use the ODBC tab in setupbuilder. I used registry settings to set it up. I set it up by hand in ODBC admin then went to RedEdit and exported the stuff into a .reg file and then in SB5 just imported that reg file. Worked like a charm!!! I can post if you are interest in the reg code.

thanks for the help though, Clint

I really think it's caused by missing DLLs needed to support the ODBC driver. There are several files that need to be deployed. The User's Guide should include a complete list.

01-13-2006, 04:17 AM

Thanks for the update. But I fear it's not the solution to the problem. This error message is caused by missing DLLs needed to support the ODBC driver. In other words, you have an incomplete ODBC setup.

SetupBuilder provides an interface to (native Windows) ODBC setup procedures. If the Windows procedure reports an error then there is a problem somewhere. BTW, this is not a SetupBuilder 5 bug!

01-13-2006, 10:28 AM
Well I've find another way to implement the ODBC in Setbuilder so this works for us. BUT i see your point, I know it is not SB5. why though if I ADD the ODBC text driver and set it up in the ODBC System DSN I don't get any errors and I can use that connection in our applications. i see that their might be some DLLS that Setbuilder or Native Windows uses to set it up when doing it in a install that are not up-to-date or whatever. I can't find really a solution though to it so I went this registry coding route and it works. The TEXT Odbc driver is registered in windows as default it is just setting up the Data Source where there is the problem. If I can get time I will go back and see if I can do the CONFIGURE DATA SOURCE in SB5 and get it to work.

Here another Question. Do I need to click the ODBC tab and insert TEXT driver there and ALSO go to the Script and add the CONFIGURE DATA SOURCE script? Or is the ODBC tab do it all for you? (along with adding the right parameters in the Data source attributes box??

Sorry for all the questions..... still kind of learning! :-)


Thanks for the update. But I fear it's not the solution to the problem. This error message is caused by missing DLLs needed to support the ODBC driver. In other words, you have an incomplete ODBC setup.

SetupBuilder provides an interface to (native Windows) ODBC setup procedures. If the Windows procedure reports an error then there is a problem somewhere. BTW, this is not a SetupBuilder 5 bug!