View Full Version : UpdatePROTECT

01-25-2006, 06:08 PM
Information on this invaluable addon is VERY sparse. I can also not find any example scripts on it.

I need to generate maintenance keys for my clients from the serial number they send back to me (generated by 'other' code and not SB5)

I need to know where in my application program (and how) to enable maintenance key checking and installation and how to check for a valid plan id in my application program BEFORE an update is run.

Kind Regards


01-26-2006, 03:46 AM

The small web update installer checks if a maintenance key is valid (see Verify Subscription Key function).

I'll make a "How To..." article available within the next few days.

01-26-2006, 01:56 PM
I'll make a "How To..." article available within the next few days.


I read through that, but the 'How to..' would be invaluable. I am mostly interested in how you get the maintenance key into the registry (and what key) in the first place.

To generate a new key with the current serial number is not the problem....

Also SB shows you the expiry date of the key from inside SB. Thus I would like to NOT call the updater if the key does not exist or is expired, or does not match my 'other' key data.

You see I want to do a CRC on the exe and store that (and modified with other data ) with the key in the same registry under a new binary value so that someone can not copy newer application (exe and dll files) from another computer and their registration key and then run updates from there again.

Kind Regards


01-27-2006, 12:47 AM

You can store the key wherever you want (registry, INI, text files).

BTW, you can modify the wupdate.exe to make sure it does not connect to your server if the key does not exist.

Only an application compiled with SetupBuilder 5 can verify a maintenance key.