View Full Version : Crazy Texax Code Signing Party - crazy.code.sign.test.zip

05-31-2008, 03:58 AM

Dell wants about five days to build a new vista box. Claim they need the time
to install the OS. The chainsaw is broken, so I can't have any real fun. That
leaves me to mess around with installs.

So I break out my shiny new cert and started signing everything in sight. Good
thing for the dogs that I'm old & slow.

What I found is that I can reliably, but not constantly, coax a failure from
SB 6.8.2245. You'll find a simplified test script, which is an empty new
project w/2 of my includes that specify files for manifests and signing.

The various .txt files are variations on compiler.txt that show a failure at
different points in the compile process. It seems to never be exactly the same
place. The error is always the same, though:

>Compiler error GEN1053: Code signing process failed. Error Code: -1

There's a group of 50+/- files in an include that are all set as non permanent
for code signing. signed.non-permanent.file.txt shows where one was
permanently signed. I have seen four other occurrences of this.

Then a compile fails, the UI loses display of some include files. The two
images in the zip show this. In a larger project more includes are involved in
the display state (2 remain out of 8). It seems to be display only, though.
Closing SB (w/o saving) and re-opening the script finds everything in tact.

I'm curious about the "Recursive compile" thing. First time I saw it I thought
I created some kind of unintentional recursion. I'm guessing it's just
informational, though.

Thanks for your help, and a terrific product.

Best regards,


Why waste time learning when ignorance is instantaneous?

05-31-2008, 03:59 AM

It has nothing to do with SetupBuilder 6.8.2245 or your project. I think
something is "stealing" focus while PKEY.EXE tries to pass the password for
your certificate to the Microsoft SignCode tool during the compilation

Switch to SignTool and you are done. SignTool supports passwords when
called from exernal programs, SignCode does not.


Hope his helps.


05-31-2008, 03:59 AM
>It has nothing to do with SetupBuilder 6.8.2245 or your project. I think
>something is "stealing" focus while PKEY.EXE tries to pass the password for
>your certificate to the Microsoft SignCode tool during the compilation
>Switch to SignTool and you are done. SignTool supports passwords when
>called from exernal programs, SignCode does not.

I've got signtool in the sdk, but can't get pvkimprt to work. Everything I've
found indicates it can be used as

pvkimprt -pfx Cert.spc Cert.pvk

to create Cert.pfx. All I get is a "Command line syntax" error. Tried a number
of variations based on its internal help, full paths (from MS), but nothing

Best regards,


Why waste time learning when ignorance is instantaneous?

05-31-2008, 04:00 AM
Hi Mark,

>to create Cert.pfx. All I get is a "Command line syntax" error. Tried a number
>of variations based on its internal help, full paths (from MS), but nothing

Make sure that you either use short paths or enclose long paths in
double quotes. I learned that _real_ quick when working on the Build

Best regards,

ArnĂ³r Baldvinsson
Icetips Creative, Inc.
San Antonio, Texas, USA

Subscribe to information from Icetips.com:

05-31-2008, 04:01 AM
>Make sure that you either use short paths or enclose long paths in
>double quotes. I learned that _real_ quick when working on the Build

Thanks, Arnor. Tried all the combinations I could think of: quoted/not long
paths, short paths, copied spc & pvk to pvkimprt directory, and a number of
command line variations.

My best guess at this point is I have the wrong pvkimprt.exe. Common sense and
intellect say there can only be one, but that has nothing to do with MS.

I got it from here:


That page specifies Win2k & Office 2K as requirements. The usage instructions
specify command line use, so it looked good to me.

Anyone have an alternate to get pvkimprt?

Appreciate the help.

Best regards,


Why waste time learning when ignorance is instantaneous?

05-31-2008, 04:02 AM

There is - if I remember well an wizard command line in the signtool exe
again if I remember well that is how I got around the same problem....
check the Microsoft docs

Thank you

Cordialement - Best regards
Jean-Pierre GUTSATZ


Data Management Center - A tool to let you Migrate Import Export Transfer
all your Data very easily
Certified by Microsoft : "Works with Vista" & "Works with Windows Server

05-31-2008, 04:02 AM
>There is - if I remember well an wizard command line in the signtool exe
>again if I remember well that is how I got around the same problem....
>check the Microsoft docs

Thanks much, Jean-Pierre. I'll have a look around.

Best regards,


Why waste time learning when ignorance is instantaneous?

05-31-2008, 04:03 AM

When I worked with Friedrich for the DMC Windows certification, I had
exactly the same problem
Do as mentioned and switch to signtool
It has nothing to do with setup Builder which only calls the pkeyxxe.xe (or

Thank you

Cordialement - Best regards
Jean-Pierre GUTSATZ


Data Management Center - A tool to let you Migrate Import Export Transfer
all your Data very easily
Certified by Microsoft : "Works with Vista" & "Works with Windows Server