View Full Version : #00006: Compile a script using SetupBuilder command line switches

02-02-2006, 04:44 AM

How do I compile a script using SetupBuilder command line switches?


You can use sbuilder.exe command line options in conjunction with other processes to create an automated build process.

Enter sbuilder.exe as the script executable, then the /C switch, and then the name of the script.

Example: sbuilder.exe /C "C:\Development\Sample.sb5"

Other compile time command line options include:

/DS -- Define a symbol (#def)

Example: sbuilder.exe /C "C:\Development\Sample.sb5" /DS MYSYMBOL "1"

/SC -- Set a constant (#const)

Example: sbuilder.exe /C "C:\Development\Sample.sb5" /SC MYCONSTANT "1"

A compiler.txt file is created if there was a compile error. The error log file is located in the same directory as the sbuilder.exe file.

SetupBuilder Requirements:

Developer Edition. This function is not available in the Clarion or Professional versions of the SetupBuilder Installation System.