View Full Version : Error when starting SetupBuilder or SB-made install

08-26-2008, 11:50 AM
When I start SetupBuilder to compile a project, I usually get these two errors:

...then I'm into the UI.

When I tried install BuildAutomator, I got these errors:

08-27-2008, 12:35 AM
You get these errors when you run your compiled setup.exe, right? Not when you compile a project. The errors are installer runtime errors.

There is a problem in your script. You can send the .sb6 to support@lindersoft.com and we'll check it for you.


08-27-2008, 01:12 AM
Please also send the "event log": Run your installer with the /E command line switch - this will create the c:\sbevents.txt file.

Start -> Run... -> In the run dialog, enter the fully qualified pathname including installer name with the /E switch. For example: c:\test\setup.exe /E

If it is a "long" pathname, put double quotes around it. For example: "c:\my long path\setup.exe" /E


08-27-2008, 11:04 AM
The errors occur when I:

(a) Start SetupBuilder by using "START thisprojectfilename.sb6" from a DOS prompt in the folder where .sb6 is located. This is something I've always done, and has not exhibited the error before.

(b) Install a package created by someone else. It happens when I try to install BuildAutomator, and just now happened when installing RightReports.

Between the time when it happened on BA and when it happend on RR, I've uninstalled SB, cleared the Temp folder, and re-installed SB.

It doesn't occur everything I start an SB6 or an installation package, just most of the time.

NOTE: It does NOT occur when I add the /E parameter. In other words "RightReportsInstall.exe /E" will work while "RightReportsInstall.exe" does not.

08-27-2008, 11:11 AM
Happened with /E.

The log is:

|08/27/2008|17:07:15:441|Logging started: C:\Receive\RightReportsInstall.exe
|08/27/2008|17:07:15:449|Resource: sbside.bmp->C:\Users\Vince\AppData\Local\Temp\SB61741.tmp
|08/27/2008|17:07:15:453|Resource: sbtop.bmp->C:\Users\Vince\AppData\Local\Temp\SB61742.tmp
|08/27/2008|17:07:15:479|Service: C:\Users\Vince\AppData\Local\Temp\SBDLL3.DLL
|08/27/2008|17:07:15:484|Resource: 0001.lib->C:\Users\Vince\AppData\Local\Temp\SB61763.tmp
|08/27/2008|17:07:15:510|Resource: 0009.lib->C:\Users\Vince\AppData\Local\Temp\SB61764.tmp




08-28-2008, 12:20 AM
Aha, I see. I think your DLL corrupts the stack. There seems to be a problem with your custom SBDLL3.DLL dll. Perhaps you produce a buffer overrun or something like that.


08-28-2008, 12:22 AM
This is an installer error, not a compiler (SetupBuilder IDE) error. If this happens with all applications compiled with SetupBuilder then I fear you have a problem with your Vista machine.

Just for fun, install SetupBuilder on another machine and I am sure you'll not see it.


08-28-2008, 12:23 AM
Please ignore the above. I think you have a problem with your Vista machine. See my other posting.


09-02-2008, 09:53 AM
Aha, I see. I think your DLL corrupts the stack. There seems to be a problem with your custom SBDLL3.DLL dll. Perhaps you produce a buffer overrun or something like that.


I don't have a custom SBDLL3.DLL, so I assume that it is the one from Build Automator... I'm also not sure how that would affecting just starting the environment from the command line.

09-02-2008, 10:17 AM
Because the SetupBuilder IDE does not display this error message, it comes from a 3rd party tool.

The command line compiler in SetupBuilder does also not have such an error code. The error is only in applications compiled with SetupBuilder!


09-02-2008, 10:24 AM
BTW, what is "RightReportsInstall.exe". Is this your installation executable?


09-03-2008, 01:27 PM
No, that's CapeSoft's RightReports product.

As I said, I get the error when I try to install any number of third party accessories, such as Icetips' Build Automator, or CapeSoft's RightReports.

I also get the error when I start my personal copy of SetupBuilder, just opening up a pre-existing script (.SB6) -- this means that no installation is in progress at the time.

If you can tell me how Vista is corrupted, I can check into that further... I've ensured that no SBDLL3.DLL dlls exist...

09-04-2008, 02:23 AM
Hi Vince,

Sorry, I have absolutely no idea. It's also possible that one of your protection software products causes this.

We have never ever received a similar report and SetupBuilder powers quite a few million installations per month!

My guess is that 1) there is a problem with your Vista installation -or- 2) your "protection software" blocks something. I think it is the later because SetupBuilder is fully Vista and Windows 2008 compatible and Vista itself works very stable.


09-04-2008, 09:37 AM
By the way, what happens if you start the original SetupBuilder install image?

What happens if you disable your "protection software" (anti-virus, anti-spyware, etc.)?


09-04-2008, 11:30 PM
I gave it some more thoughts. When you start the SetupBuilder IDE (e.g. to load an existing .sb6) then the SetupBuilder web update client is executed. This program itself is written in SetupBuilder and that is why you get the same error here.

So it seems to me that one of your "protection" software products really "block" all executables developed with SetupBuilder.

Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do from our site :(


09-10-2008, 12:24 PM
I'm still getting the problem, both when installing, and even when just starting SetupBuilder using the icon on the Start Menu. I guess that means it's time for a system rebuild...

Thanks for looking into it...

09-10-2008, 11:49 PM
Hi Vince,

If you start the SetupBuilder IDE then the web update client wupdate.exe (compiled with SB6 itself) reports this error on your machine. I bet that, if you disable the web update check via Tools | Options | Web Update -> Set "Check for software updates" to Never", then you'll not get this error when you start the SetupBuilder IDE.


09-17-2008, 11:30 AM
I'll give it a try...

09-19-2008, 11:54 AM
Still happens...!


09-20-2008, 04:40 AM
Sorry, then I don't have any further suggestion.
