View Full Version : More #include scripts.

10-14-2008, 09:52 AM
I don't seem to be able to use compiler variables when forming the path of a script.

For example, this doesn't work :

#include script "ibt.sbi" from "[SB_PROJECT]\SetupBuilderScripts"

but an absolute path does :

#include script "ibt.sbi" from "F:\Projects\Flatbed\Mainline\Installers\SetupBuild erScripts"

It is important to me that all files that I reference are relative so we can 'Get' from our Source control system to any folder on a developers machine.

Having read the documentation I think I could work round this I think by having all my scripts and set-up projects in the same directory. This wouldn't be ideal.


Mike D

10-14-2008, 10:03 AM

From the #include script documentation:



[in] Specifies the name of the include script that is merged into the program during compilation. The script should be a .sbi file, and the path should be on your computer, not the destination computer. Because the main script and the included scripts are combined into a single file at compile time, not runtime, you cannot use a runtime variable in the Script field to specify the Include Script. You cannot use a compiler variable in this field.


To make a project "portable", you can copy the include script directly to the standard SetupBuilder "Include" folder (located under the root folder of the SetupBuilder Development Environment) and use #include "ibt.sbi" (without a path specification). But this does not help to solve your Source Control System problem.

We are working on a solution to support Compiler Variables in the "#include script..." directive for SetupBuilder 7 (this will not be part of Beta-1 because it's not a trivial task).


12-17-2008, 11:35 AM
I'd be happy if at least ".\" could be used in the #include statement to load the include script starting from the current script's path. I'd like to be able to use either of the following:
#include .\SomeInclude.sbi
#include .\Include\SomeInclide.sbi

12-17-2008, 11:43 AM
There will be an improvement in the #include script loading area in next SB7 beta release but one.
