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Thread: Create folder and Multilingua support

  1. #1

    Default Create folder and Multilingua support

    Hi ,
    1.)I want to create a folder to Destination Computer and put there some

    For example c:\cs\data

    2)My language is Greek so if I change Greek.lng file I lost my changes in
    futere updates?

    When I go to Tools-->Options--->Languages (1032 Greek) the file contais
    english descriptions
    so I must change this to Greek but Greek characters does not correct appears
    in any SB window
    I change font from Option Editor font but nothing change.
    The sutup produced by SB works fine with Greek characters.

    SB5 Developer Edition 5.0.1193
    Windows 2000/sp4

    Vailakakis Michail

  2. #2

    Default Re: Create folder and Multilingua support


    It would be great if you could translate the Greek.lng language module and
    send the file to support (at) lindersoft (dot) com. Then it will always be
    part of the SB5 updates!


    Friedrich Linder
    CEO, Lindersoft

    "point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 5

  3. #3

    Default Re: Create folder and Multilingua support

    I hope to complete and full test lang file in about 10 days.
    When I am ready I sent the file via e-mail.

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