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Thread: Setting a CRLF (carraige return + line feed) in string

  1. #1

    Default Setting a CRLF (carraige return + line feed) in string

    Looked through the reference manual, the entire forum, and even Google . . . anyone know how to create a constant for CRLF (carriage return + line feed)? I did see something on the forum from 2009, but it doesn't seem to work correctly.

    According to the 2009 forum entry, this is how to define a CRLF constant:

    #const $CRLF$ = "%0D%0A"
    Set Variable %LOGTEXT% to "Zeile1$CRLF$Zeile2"

    Doesn't seem to work in SB 8.1.

    The whole idea behind needing this is to string a list of values into one variable, each value separated by a CRLF in the variable so that when the variable is displayed in a Display Message Box, it displays a nice vertical list.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: Setting a CRLF (carraige return + line feed) in string

    Hi Jerry,

    The \n macro should do what you are looking for.

    For example:

    Set Variable %LOGTEXT% to "Zeile1\nZeile2\nZeile3\nZeile4"

    See attached screenshot.

    Does this help?

    Attached Images Attached Images  

  3. #3

    Default Re: Setting a CRLF (carraige return + line feed) in string

    Thanks you for the response. Interesting. I did a search through the Developer's Guide PDF and didn't see any reference to a \n macro. Tricks of the trade, I suppose.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: Setting a CRLF (carraige return + line feed) in string


    Glad it's working fine.

    BTW, I agree. It's nearly impossible to find that \n macro trick in the documentation Currently, we are working hard on improved documentation and I'll make sure we improve this particular area. The SetupBuilder code has moved ahead faster than the documentation and examples


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