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Thread: Cannot create an x64 setup file

  1. Default Cannot create an x64 setup file

    I am trying to create an x64 setup executable file using SetupBuilder 2023 11.0.7684 on Windows11 / Arm64. No matter what I try both Task manager and Sigcheck identify the setup .exe as x86.

    In my Project Definition I have set General Information > Generator Settings > Installer Type to 'Windows 64-bit'

    I have also included the following statements in my SB Script:

    Enable x64 Support ()
    Set Variable %ARM64% to FUNCTION:Get System Info (ARM64 Status)
    Set Variable %X64MODE% to FUNCTION:Get System Info (Installer x64 Mode)
    When the setup file is executed both %ARM64% and %X64MODE% return the value '1' .

    What else do I need to do to create an x64 executable setup file?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: Cannot create an x64 setup file


    if you set it to "Windows 64-bit", the compiler creates a x64 enabled installer (with access to the 64-bit Registry branch, access to the 64-bit Program Files folder, etc.). But it is still a native x84 setup application. You need this "Windows 64-bit" option to install native 64-bit applications. To install x86 apps, you set it to the standard "Windows 32-bit" option. To install both (separate) 32-bit and 64-bit type applications from the very same setup.exe, you can use the Hybrid option.

    Does this help?


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