There are 2 guids for the install... the productguid and the upgradeguid.
However, I also have a guid in each of my releases.. I have the normal
install... but my releases are a cd demo and a net demo. Should I just make
them all the same guid so any updates over the net will update whatever
they've installed?

Also, about version numbers. I've changed my versions to 8.4.1, 8.4.2 etc...
however, when I get to 8.4.10 or 8.4.11, are they considered higher.. in
other words is 8.4.11 higher than 8.4.9... or did I screw up and should have
made my versions 8.4.0001, 8.4.0002, etc.?

Thank you,

Ray Rippey
VMT Software -