Needing to Customize Custom Installation
Hello Everyone:
Hope this finds you all well and that 2024 is bringing smiles, I wanted to do some heavy lifting with the custom install as follows:
1) if the setup is launched without any command-line switches, hide certain features (got that accomplished with a lot of conditional logic and it wasn't pretty)
2) if the setup is launched with a command line switch of /TOOLS show only certain features (got that done with a lot of conditional logic and again it wasn't pretty)
3) if the setup is launched with the /TOOLS command line, automatically skip the license agreement, setup types, program folder, and install folder screens thus it would be Welcome > Custom Install > Ready To Install ... (this is partially implemented as no matter what I do, I cannot seem to skip the setup types screen and go directly to the custom installation screen after welcome)
Here's the code that makes all of this mess work and I am curious if anyone happens to know how to conditionally force a specific setup type?
! Hide unnecessary wizard dialogs and features if doing a tools install
If %CMDLINE% Contains "/TOOLS" Then
Hide Wizard Dialog "$LICENSE$"
Hide Wizard Dialog "$INSTALLDIR$"
Hide Wizard Dialog "$PROGRAMFOLDER$"
Set Feature State (NotSelected: "GQMain")
Set Feature State (Hidden: "GQMain")
Set Feature State (Hidden: "SiteManager")
Set Feature State (Hidden: "Manuals")
! if XP show only the key generation tool and hide the password recovery tool
If %WINVER% Less Than or Equal "$WIN_XP$" Then
Set Feature State (Hidden: "GQPass")
! if command line DOES NOT contain /tools hide all tools options
If %CMDLINE% Does Not Contain "/TOOLS" Then
Set Feature State (Hidden: "GQTOOLS")
Set Feature State (Hidden: "GQPass")
Set Feature State (Hidden: "GQKG")
! if command line contains /TOOLS and OS is XP or older, show only the root tools and key generation, hide password recovery
If %WINVER% Greater Than or Equal "$WIN_XP$" And %NET35STAT% Equals "1" Then
Set Feature State (NotSelected: "GQTOOLS")
Set Feature State (NotSelected: "GQKG")
Set Feature State (Hidden: "GQPass")
! if OS is vista or newer show all tools options un custom install
If %WINVER% Greater Than or Equal "$WIN_VISTA$" And %CMDLINE% Does Not Contain "/TOOLS" Then
If %NET35STAT% Equals "1" And %NET40STAT% Equals "1" Then
Set Feature State (NotSelected: "GQTOOLS")
Set Feature State (NotSelected: "GQKG")
Set Feature State (NotSelected: "GQPass")
Additionally, how does the %_SB_FEATURESID% runtime variable work? I'd like to set features from an answer file if possible.
Thanks again for any help given. Please have a happy new year :-)
Loretta A. Modern:
SetupBuilder Developer Fan
1) Any sample code a provide is provided AS-IS without any warranty of any kind and you use and rely on such sample code at your own risk.
2) The way I do things might not work for you and how to accomplish things is SetupBuilder is constantly improving so any sample code is only provided for demonstration purposes and should be fully tested in a lab before deployment in the real world.