Hello Everyone:

Hope this finds you all well and that 2024 is bringing smiles, I wanted to do some heavy lifting with the custom install as follows:

1) if the setup is launched without any command-line switches, hide certain features (got that accomplished with a lot of conditional logic and it wasn't pretty)
2) if the setup is launched with a command line switch of /TOOLS show only certain features (got that done with a lot of conditional logic and again it wasn't pretty)
3) if the setup is launched with the /TOOLS command line, automatically skip the license agreement, setup types, program folder, and install folder screens thus it would be Welcome > Custom Install > Ready To Install ... (this is partially implemented as no matter what I do, I cannot seem to skip the setup types screen and go directly to the custom installation screen after welcome)

Here's the code that makes all of this mess work and I am curious if anyone happens to know how to conditionally force a specific setup type?

   ! Hide unnecessary wizard dialogs and features if doing a tools install
   If %CMDLINE% Contains "/TOOLS" Then
      Hide Wizard Dialog "$LICENSE$"
      Hide Wizard Dialog "$INSTALLDIR$"
      Hide Wizard Dialog "$PROGRAMFOLDER$"
      Set Feature State (NotSelected: "GQMain")
      Set Feature State (Hidden: "GQMain")
      Set Feature State (Hidden: "SiteManager")
      Set Feature State (Hidden: "Manuals")
      ! if XP show only the key generation tool and hide the password recovery tool
      If %WINVER% Less Than or Equal "$WIN_XP$" Then
         Set Feature State (Hidden: "GQPass")
   ! if command line DOES NOT contain /tools hide all tools options
   If %CMDLINE% Does Not Contain "/TOOLS" Then
      Set Feature State (Hidden: "GQTOOLS")
      Set Feature State (Hidden: "GQPass")
      Set Feature State (Hidden: "GQKG")
      ! if command line contains /TOOLS and OS is XP or older, show only the root tools and key generation, hide password recovery
      If %WINVER% Greater Than or Equal "$WIN_XP$" And %NET35STAT% Equals "1" Then
         Set Feature State (NotSelected: "GQTOOLS")
         Set Feature State (NotSelected: "GQKG")
         Set Feature State (Hidden: "GQPass")
      ! if OS is vista or newer show all tools options un custom install
      If %WINVER% Greater Than or Equal "$WIN_VISTA$" And %CMDLINE% Does Not Contain "/TOOLS" Then
         If %NET35STAT% Equals "1" And %NET40STAT% Equals "1" Then
            Set Feature State (NotSelected: "GQTOOLS")
            Set Feature State (NotSelected: "GQKG")
            Set Feature State (NotSelected: "GQPass")
Additionally, how does the %_SB_FEATURESID% runtime variable work? I'd like to set features from an answer file if possible.

Thanks again for any help given. Please have a happy new year :-)